360° tour: online viewings help you close a sale faster

3 min.

This article was published on April 29, 2021 and may contain outdated information.
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A home inspection is essential for real estate sales. But nowadays, not every prospective buyer necessarily needs to be shown around at an on-site appointment. For starters, potential buyers can view their dream property from the comfort of their laptop or smartphone. A 360° tour can demonstrably help owners to sell their property faster and at a better price.

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If you want to successfully sell your property to a buyer today, you have to move with the times. With the virtual tour of your property's premises, both prospective buyers and sellers save a lot of time, as the viewing can take place without an appointment or travel to the property.

Advantages for the seller

Prospective buyers can view the property at any time of day and get a realistic insight into the premises. This means that the seller receives fewer questions, as buyers can easily answer them themselves. A nerve-wracking viewing tour is avoided, because after an online tour, only genuine prospective buyers usually approach the seller. Others, on the other hand, already realize on the screen that the property is not suitable for them. Another important point is that the software can also be used to register and evaluate the user behavior of prospective buyers during a 360° tour (more on this below).

What needs to be considered?

A virtual tour has many advantages, but creating one is not exactly straightforward for the layperson. If you want to market your property in the best and most efficient way possible, you should not do without professional help. Only a well-made 360° tour tailored to this goal will leave a lasting impression on the buyer. An animation created with Google Street View that only captures the exterior of the property, on the other hand, is unnecessary - prospective buyers can use this tool themselves in case of doubt.

Why should a real estate professional create the 360° tour?

360° tours are now part of the services offered by many estate agents. The real estate professionals know exactly how to plan and design an optimal shoot with the 360° camera and, of course, bring the necessary equipment with them. But the shoot alone is not enough. The images are then edited using post-production software. On the one hand, estate agents offer the technical know-how for this, and on the other, they also help your property to achieve a greater reach in the marketing process. Above all, however, they use 360° tours not only to present properties in an impressive and contemporary way, but also to register how intensively individual prospective buyers engage with the property and how long they spend in individual rooms during their virtual tour. From this, conclusions can be drawn about the seriousness of the prospective buyers, but also about problems with the property that may stand in the way of a purchase decision. The 360° viewing is therefore an important tool for the pre-selection of prospective buyers and also for the preparation of sales talks. Only by consulting a real estate professional can sellers really make the most of the potential of this tool for a successful sale of their property.


Do you have any questions about 360° viewings or do you need support in marketing your property? Then get in touch with us. We will be happy to help you.

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© Photo: sorokopud/Depositphoto.com





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