Attractive subsidies for renovation measures for 2024

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As there are state subsidies for renovation measures, buying a property in need of renovation can be a bargain. However, what is worthwhile depends on the individual case. Here you will find an overview of the current state renovation subsidies.

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On January 1, 2024, the Federal Funding Directive for Efficient Individual Measures in Buildings (BEG EM) came into force. The existing funding programs for energy consulting (EBN and EBW), federal funding for efficient heating networks (BEW) and funding for energy and resource efficiency in the economy (EEW) will continue in accordance with the provisions of the provisional budget management.

From 19 January 2024, it will again be possible to submit applications for the BEW program and energy advice and have them approved. Applications for EEW can be submitted again after the guidelines have been updated, probably from February 15, 2024.

Overview of renovation subsidies for individual measures

The federal subsidy for efficient buildings - individual measures (BEG EM) provides for the following subsidies for individual measures:

  • Measures on the building envelope (e.g. exterior walls, roof surfaces, replacement of doors and windows): 20 percent
  • System technology (e.g. installation and replacement or optimization of ventilation and air conditioning systems): 20 percent
  • Renewable energies for heating systems (e.g. heat pumps, biomass systems, hybrid heating systems or solar thermal systems): 20 to 45 percent
  • Heating optimization measures (e.g. hydraulic balancing or replacement of heating pumps): 20 percent

Energy-efficient renovation without a loan

Energy-efficient refurbishments, from insulation to replacing heating systems, are expensive. For this reason, the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection (BMWK) offers homeowners an attractive investment grant through the Federal Subsidy for Efficient Buildings - Individual Measures (BEG EM). This applies to individual renovation work on detached and semi-detached houses or owner-occupied apartments as well as non-residential buildings, including listed buildings. The funding rate varies between 20 and 45 percent of the eligible expenditure for each measure, including necessary ancillary work such as the removal and disposal of old heating systems. For residential buildings, the funding is limited to a maximum of 60,000 euros per residential unit.

In addition, applicants can apply to the Federal Office of Economics and Export Control (BAFA) for funding for specialist planning and construction supervision if they carry out individual measures. Refurbishments carried out in accordance with an individual refurbishment roadmap (iSFP) for a complete refurbishment qualify for an additional five percent subsidy.

Advice is the be-all and end-all

It is advisable to take advantage of the "Federal funding for energy advice for residential buildings (on-site advice, individual renovation roadmap)" provided by the BMWK. You should seek comprehensive advice from a licensed energy consultant right from the start.

When applying for energy advice, please note that the building application or building notification for the residential building in question must have been submitted at least ten years prior to the date of application for the refurbishment. The application for the energy consultation is submitted to BAFA by the approved energy consultant.

Would you like to know how much property you can afford if you still need to renovate or how much a property in need of renovation is worth? Get in touch with us! We will be happy to advise you.




For reasons of better readability, the generic masculine is used in this text. Female and other gender identities are explicitly included where this is necessary for the statement.


Legal notice: This article does not constitute tax or legal advice in individual cases. Please consult a lawyer and/or tax advisor to clarify the facts of your specific individual case.


Photo: © Wordliner/Image created with OpenAI's DALL-E.

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