The viewing - what you should know as a seller

3 min.

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A nice brochure is not enough. Before a prospective buyer purchases a property, they also want to view it. For you as a seller, this not only means taking enough time for the appointments. Especially in these times, when buyers tend to be cautious, it is important to be well prepared for all situations and questions.

There are many pitfalls lurking in real estate sales that reduce success.

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Filter out serious prospects

If you are lucky, your property will be well received and numerous interested parties will show interest. We are currently seeing a decline in inquiries. But even if demand is not so high, not every contact should be taken seriously. So-called viewing tourists and bogus interested parties are more likely to waste your time. Open viewings should also be avoided, as they usually degenerate into chaos.

That's why it's important to choose serious potential buyers right from the start. Professional estate agents answer many questions in advance with professional advertisements and informative photos. Once a prospective buyer has contacted them, specific questions and a credit check are carried out to see whether they are suitable for the property.

Present your property in the best possible light

It's an old chestnut, but it also applies to property viewings: first impressions count. You should always bear in mind that buying a property is a highly emotional affair. A prospective buyer not only checks off the features of the house or apartment, they also always ask themselves whether they can imagine living in the property.

Experts therefore advise presenting the property as neutrally as possible, i.e. without personal items. If you last painted fifteen years ago, it can't hurt to give the walls a new coat of paint. Make use of home staging if you are unsure how to present your property properly. A professional estate agent will offer this service or know who to recommend.

Be prepared for anything!

You should be able to answer all the questions that a prospective buyer asks you. You must be able to justify the asking price with confidence and knowledge of the market and not give in if someone tries to push the price down. Of course, there may be times when you don't know the answer. However, if prospective buyers notice that you are unsure and avoid questions, they will quickly become skeptical.

An estate agent is a great help, not only when managing viewings, but especially during the appointments. He is a neutral intermediary who can deal with critical questions. Thanks to their many years of market knowledge, they know exactly how to present a property. And they know how much a property is worth and can explain this with arguments.

Don't have the time or inclination to arrange a viewing of your property? Then contact us! We will be happy to advise you.



For reasons of better readability, the generic masculine is used in this text. Female and other gender identities are explicitly included where this is necessary for the statement.


Legal notice: This article does not constitute tax or legal advice in individual cases. Please consult a lawyer and/or tax advisor to clarify the facts of your specific individual case.


Photo: © Evgenyjs1/

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