Drone videos: Your added value in real estate marketing

3 min.

This article was published on February 26, 2021 and may contain outdated information.
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What 360-degree tours are to interiors, drone videos are to exteriors. They allow prospective buyers to gain a comprehensive impression of the property and the surrounding area without having to leave their living room. This is an important advantage, especially in times of pandemic. In addition, potential buyers can use drone footage to decide more quickly whether a property meets their expectations. This shortens the marketing process.

Aerial photos and videos taken with drones are now offered by many estate agents as a service when marketing properties. They enable an impressive presentation of the property offered for sale. Above all, however, prospective buyers get a good overview of many important features on their screens: the location and size of the property, the surroundings, the landscape, the layout of the house and any outbuildings, the neighboring buildings - all of this can be captured from a bird's eye view practically at a glance. Certain aspects are even easier to recognize than during an on-site inspection.

The immediate surroundings are often the deciding factor

Although a virtual 360-degree tour gives prospective buyers a very good insight into the interior of the property, the immediate surroundings are often left out. The immediate location also plays an important role in the purchase decision. Exposés with a few beautiful picture-book views of the area only convey an inaccurate and sometimes even misleading picture. As a result, it is not uncommon for property seekers to set off for a viewing, only to discover during the site inspection that the residential environment does not appeal to them. A superfluous effort for both the seller and the prospective buyer.

What added value do drone videos bring for real estate sellers?

Drone photos and videos are the perfect complement to the 360-degree tour. They provide a precise impression of the surroundings of your property. Although this also draws the attention of more interested parties from outside the region to your real estate offer, only those who really want to buy exactly this property in this location will show up for a real on-site viewing. Increasing the efficiency of processes by matching certain inquiries or problems to the right offers or solutions more quickly is generally a key feature of digitalization. This also applies to the use of drone videos and virtual viewing tours in real estate marketing. Estate agents call this process "qualifying": Prospective buyers "qualify" for a property more quickly, or conversely, a property offer "qualifies" as the right offer for the buyer. Instead of going to numerous viewings at random in order to gradually gain more clarity about your own search criteria, this selection process largely takes place online. Your advantage as a real estate seller: marketing is faster and you save yourself viewings that are not effective. A good thing - not only in times of Corona.

Would you like to learn more about the benefits of drone videos and virtual tours in real estate marketing? Get in touch with us! We will advise you comprehensively.


Further information can be found here:





Legal notice: This article does not constitute tax or legal advice in individual cases. Please consult a lawyer and/or tax advisor to clarify the facts of your specific individual case.



Photo: © alexsalcedo/Depositphotos.com


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