Family offspring and real estate sales - better with an estate agent

4 min.

This article was published on August 14, 2020 and may contain outdated information.
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A new addition to the family makes you happy, but also brings a lot of stress with it. It's not uncommon for (another) child to mean that your old property becomes too small. So you feel like you have to take care of everything at the same time and you also want to manage the sale of your old property. That's not a good idea! Because if you have to sell under stress, you will rarely be satisfied with the result of the sale.

Since the birth of their second child, the Nowack family has been living in their cozy condominium. Now the stork has unexpectedly struck and baby number three is on the way. The apartment is becoming too small for the no longer small family. They need a new, larger home, but in order to finance this, they first have to sell the old property for as good a price as possible. "I can't take care of everything!" exclaims Mrs. Nowack in despair. And of course she is absolutely right.

Sensibly, the Nowack family decides to hire a real estate agent the next day. He professionally takes care of both the sale of the old condominium and the search for a new property, thus not only providing enormous relief for the stressed family, but also ensuring that the sale is completed in a reasonable amount of time and does not turn into a bargain hunter's paradise.

Sell better with a quality broker

The estate agent immediately starts to have the property valued. When it comes to assessing the value of their property, many owners get a headache. They simply lack knowledge of the market. As a result, owners often demand a price that is far too high. This can not only delay the sales process, but also ultimately lead to a loss of money. A professional real estate agent knows exactly where to set the price thanks to their experience and knowledge of the regional market.

It is also worth having a professional estate agent at your side when it comes to advertising the property. If, for example, the floor plan is missing or the photos are of poor quality, the property on offer will not attract the desired interest. If the energy certificate is also missing, legal problems can quickly arise. All documents should be carefully compiled. As a layperson, you can quickly lose track here.

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As the estate agent prepared the sale of the Nowack family's property well, it struck a chord with many potential buyers. By also taking on the planning and execution of the viewing appointments, he further relieves the family. With his experienced eye, he filters out which prospective buyers are suitable for the property.

Once a number of serious potential buyers have been found, the price negotiations begin. Many buyers are not at a loss for arguments to push the price down. Without the support of a professional estate agent, owners in such situations can quickly become unsettled and negotiate themselves down, so that they probably end up selling below value. The Nowack family, on the other hand, actually managed to get a little more money into their household budget than expected by working with their estate agent. Not only can they now afford the new, beautiful property that the estate agent found for them. On top of that, they can also cover the moving costs.


You are expecting children and are looking for someone to help you sell your property or find a new one. Get in touch with us! We will be happy to advise you.


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Legal notice: This article does not constitute tax or legal advice in individual cases. Please consult a lawyer and/or tax advisor to clarify the facts of your specific individual case.


Photo: © uroszunic/


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