Find your dream property with us in 2024 too

3 min.

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It is currently not easy for real estate sellers and buyers to come together. The market is still in a dynamic phase. This is unsettling for many people looking for real estate. However, those who turn to the rental market are confronted with rising rents and can hardly find a cheaper alternative. What's more, the housing shortage makes it difficult to find a suitable rental apartment.

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The desire to own your own four walls remains possible as long as you adapt to the new circumstances. In the current situation, the support of an experienced real estate expert is essential to find the right property. A local estate agent has the necessary intuition to successfully mediate between buyer and seller. With this in mind, we are at your side with our expertise, our many years of experience and our services:

  • We support you in your real estate search.
  • Use our website to create a search request in which you specify your requirements for your dream property.
  • There may already be a suitable property in our current range.
  • If not, we will start looking and get back to you as soon as we have found a property that matches your criteria.
  • We will discuss your budget with you and advise you on how much property you can afford.
  • We support you in your search for suitable financing.
  • We recommend suitable financial experts who will work with you to find the right financing strategy.
  • We also support you in providing the necessary documents for the seller.
  • We will prepare you for the appointment with your bank.
  • We determine the value of a property.
  • We inspect the property on offer to ensure that you do not experience any unpleasant surprises.
  • We negotiate the right price with the seller so that you can purchase the property at market conditions.
  • If an agreement is reached with the seller, we will prepare the purchase contract for you.
  • We make sure that you can buy your property smoothly and with legal certainty.
  • We will be happy to recommend a notary for the notarization of the purchase contract.
  • We accompany you to the notary appointment.
  • We accompany you to the property handover and document all relevant details in the handover protocol.

We are also there for you after the handover and are always at your side.

We would like to thank you for the successful cooperation in 2023 and wish you a Merry Christmas and a successful start to 2024!

Do you have questions about buying real estate? Then contact us or drop by our office. We will advise you without obligation.


For reasons of better readability, the generic masculine is used in this text. Female and other gender identities are explicitly included where this is necessary for the statement.


Legal notice: This article does not constitute tax or legal advice in individual cases. Please consult a lawyer and/or tax advisor to clarify the facts of your specific individual case.

Photo: © Wordliner/Image created with OpenAI's DALL-E.

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Michel Sawall
Michel Sawall
Business owner
030 - 80 19 70 91 033203 - 60 88 81
Aline Hess
Real estate agent
033 203 - 60 88 88 0178 - 38 86 99 8
Kirsten Sawall
Real estate agent
030 - 80 19 70 92
Kerstin Howe
Management assistance
033 203 - 60 88 84
Leon Jahr
033 203 / 60 88 83