For the new job: selling a property and finding a new one

3 min.

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Great salary, great tasks, nice surroundings - Klara S. (42) had found her dream job. The only catch: she had to move for it. Due to the great distance, she was also unable to commute. So there was no way around selling the condominium - and since she wanted to live in her own four walls again, there was no way around buying a new property.

New job. New place of residence.

We can help you find a new home quickly and promptly and sell your old property. Get in touch with us!

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Klara S. needed sufficient capital to be able to afford a new property. She used the proceeds from the sale of her condominium for this purpose. She did toy with the idea of renting out the apartment. But because of the capital requirement and because she knew that she would not have time to rent out and manage a property, she decided against it.

Everything on your own

At first, she didn't think selling the apartment, planning the move and looking for a new property was a challenge. To find out the current value of the property, she used several online property valuation calculators to be on the safe side. But she got a different result every time.

Which valuation was the most promising on the real estate market? Klara decided to turn to a quality local estate agent who knows the real estate market and can carry out a professional valuation on site. That's why she came to us.

Support from an expert

We advised Klara and valued her property. In the meantime, the planning of the move, the new job and the search for a new property took such a toll on her that she commissioned us to sell her property.

We obtained the necessary sales documents, drew up a pricing strategy based on our property valuation, organized the marketing, managed the inquiries from numerous interested parties as well as the viewings and checked the creditworthiness of potential buyers.

We were also able to help her find a new property and put her in touch with a quality estate agent near her new place of work. He found her a beautiful little house with a garden.

Managing interim financing

Another problem was that Klara couldn't buy a new property until the old one was sold. And she couldn't sell it without having found a new home. We therefore drew up an expert opinion, which helped her to obtain interim financing from a bank. This enabled her to bridge the transition phase. Today, Klara S. lives happily in her dream home with her dream job.

Do you need to sell your property for professional or other reasons and are looking for a new one? Please contact us! We will be happy to advise you.



For reasons of better readability, the generic masculine is used in this text. Female and other gender identities are explicitly included where this is necessary for the statement.


Legal notice: This article does not constitute tax or legal advice in individual cases. Please consult a lawyer and/or tax advisor to clarify the facts of your specific individual case.


Photo: © VitalikRadko/

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