Inherited property - and now?

3 min.

This article was published on June 17, 2021 and may contain outdated information.
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An inherited plot of land is like winning the lottery if you want to build. But there are pitfalls: not everything and not everywhere can be built on. What is important for a plot of land is whether it has building rights. This also influences the value of your property.

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Whether a plot of land can be built on and what can be built on it depends on various criteria. A local quality estate agent can advise you on your plot. He not only knows the regional property market, but also the legal requirements of the development plan.

Development plan

The development plan documents whether and what may be built. A plot of land within the development plan may generally be built on if the development is secured and the building project does not contradict the requirements of the development plan. You can obtain information about the development plan from your local authority.

Urban sprawl

If there is no development plan, you should have it checked whether your property is located within the "built-up area". If the development is secured, this also gives you the right to build. However, what constitutes a "coherent" district can be controversial. It can be difficult to build on the outskirts of towns in particular. Municipalities often fear urban sprawl, i.e. the unregulated and unstructured growth of villages. Real estate experts therefore recommend contacting the local authority to find out the local boundaries and whether your property is located in a "built-up area".

Exterior of locations

If the property is located outside the development plan or not "in a built-up area", it is located in the outer area of a municipality. As a rule, building rights only exist here in exceptional cases for so-called privileged projects. For example, for use for agriculture or energy production as well as for the construction of industrial buildings or military facilities.

Get advice from a professional

Are you unsure what to do with your property? Seek advice from a local quality estate agent. They can assess the potential and advise you on your options. They will value your property free of charge, take care of compiling the relevant sales documents and marketing and know which target group is right for your property. He may already have a suitable buyer for your property in his database.

Are you looking for support in selling your property? Please contact us! We will be happy to advise you.


Further information can be found here:


Legal notice: This article does not constitute tax or legal advice in individual cases. Please consult a lawyer and/or tax advisor to clarify the facts of your specific individual case.


Photo: © Hackman/

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