Selling a house, clearing out a house - both are easier with professionals!

4 min.

This article was published on April 8, 2021 and may contain outdated information.
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Katja hasn't really had time to mourn her grandfather yet. Her grandfather left behind a house - and numerous heirs. The community of heirs quickly agreed to sell the property in order to better divide the inheritance. Together with her siblings Sina and Ralf, Katja agreed to take care of the liquidation of the household and the sale. But she only gradually realized how much work was involved.

Fortunately, the three siblings immediately sought out a professional to sell the house. At first, Katja thought she would just have to place an advertisement and wait for interested parties to come forward. But Sina studied law. She knew that the first thing you need is a professional valuation to set a sale price that even the co-heirs can't quibble with. So they hired a quality estate agent, and he seems to be doing a good job.

Clearing out takes a lot of time and energy

The property could therefore find a buyer very soon - so it's high time to get on with tidying up and clearing out. But this is much more time-consuming than Katja thought. She has taken the house clearance into her own hands because she is the only one living near her late grandfather. To do this, she had all the co-heirs issue her with a "free pass", which means that no one can claim any of the items that are still in the house. She then sold the piano, which worked out quite well and was actually collected last week. Katja took the photo albums and a few of her grandfather's personal belongings home with her to look at them later at her leisure. But now? How is she supposed to sort through all the books, clear out the furniture and decide what to throw away and what might still be usable? At some point she realizes that she can't sort it all out on her own, and she simply doesn't have enough space to store all of her grandfather's treasures.

She needs a clear-out company to clear out everything from the attic to the cellar. She wouldn't be able to do it herself physically. However, Katja doesn't want to pay too much for the clear-out either. In her opinion, a good portion of her grandfather's household effects should still be salable. This should reduce the clearing out costs for a reputable provider, shouldn't it? Unfortunately, sister Sina doesn't have the time to take care of it herself. But she agrees with Katja and recommends getting quotes from two or three different companies. They definitely have to come and see everything in person, says Sina, otherwise they won't be able to calculate the costs and certainly won't be able to assess the usability of the inventory. Katja should also make sure that the company gives her a written offer with a fixed price. Not an estimate, where the actual price could end up being 20 percent higher. And Sina has another tip: it makes sense to check whether the company has liability insurance. A company without liability insurance would certainly be dubious in this industry.

Katja is glad that she now knows what to do. Even though Sina's precocious advice used to get on her nerves, the main thing is that she can now get this clear-out done quickly and reasonably cheaply. Once the clear-out is done, the sale is sure to come to a quick conclusion. Fortunately, a competent estate agent will make sure of that!

Have you inherited a property and need a plan for what to do with it? Get in touch with us! We will be happy to advise you!


Further information can be found here:


Legal notice: This article does not constitute tax or legal advice in individual cases. Please consult a lawyer and/or tax advisor to clarify the facts of your specific individual case.


Photo: © Animaflora-PicsStock/

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