Heating law from 2024: Why unrenovated properties will fall in price

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The Building Energy Act (GEG) was introduced to standardize and optimize energy efficiency regulations. It defines the requirements for the energy standard of buildings. However, renovating a building to make it more energy-efficient now not only makes sense in the context of the GEG, but also counteracts the fall in prices on the real estate market.

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The GEG is designed to promote the sustainable and resource-conserving use of energy in the construction and real estate industry. The law has actually been in place since 2020, but has undergone significant changes since 2023.

Existing buildings: 65 percent target only applies in the course of municipal heat planning

Homeowners should not be concerned about the new heating law. The 65% target will only come into force once the municipalities have submitted their municipal heating plans. This is expected to be the case from mid-2026 in large municipalities and from 2028 in small municipalities. Nevertheless, it makes sense to refurbish a property as soon as possible so that it can survive on the real estate market in the long term.

Energy advice from the experts

Anyone who decides to renovate should also have an energy consultation. This will look at where the energy efficiency of your home can be optimized. A heating system is often optimized first before expensive conversions are considered. If you want to optimize the energy efficiency of your property, it is best to have an energy consultation carried out by a specialist. As this profession is not protected, it is advisable to search on the List of energy efficiency experts to fall back on. This offers good guidance, as it always works with experts who have to prove their qualifications on an ongoing basis. In addition, these energy consultants are also well versed in funding applications and have the necessary expertise to submit them correctly.

Why energy-efficient refurbishment makes sense in any case

Anyone thinking about renovating should definitely decide to do so. After all, the prices of conventional energy sources such as oil and gas will continue to rise in the future. In addition, refurbishment is crucial to counteract a fall in property prices. Similar to the residential location, the energy efficiency level of a building is also decisive when it comes to placing a property on the market. Buildings that are up to date and renovated in terms of energy efficiency achieve significantly higher prices on the real estate market than unrenovated properties. In addition, their quality is further reduced by the fact that buyers of unrenovated properties are obliged to renovate them within two years.

Do you want to renovate your building to make it more energy efficient and need an expert assessment? Let us advise you!



For reasons of better readability, the generic masculine is used in this text. Female and other gender identities are explicitly included where this is necessary for the statement.

Legal notice: This article does not constitute tax or legal advice in individual cases. Please consult a lawyer and/or tax advisor to clarify the facts of your specific individual case.


Photo: © wordliner.com


























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