Real estate in divorce - What do I need to consider?

1 min.

This article was published on March 3, 2022 and may contain outdated information.
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Very few divorces are peaceful. There are often arguments about what used to belong to both partners. Especially when it comes to real estate, it is not easy to find an optimal and quick solution as to what should happen to it. This is particularly important. Because if no agreement is reached, there is a risk of foreclosure. However, couples should avoid this at all costs, as it is ultimately associated with financial losses.

The optimal solution for the divorce property depends on various factors. For example, are there children? Should they inherit the property later on? Does one of the future ex-spouses want to keep the property and live in it? What are the financial circumstances? Can one of them afford to pay out the other? Would renting out the property be an option? Is a financial basis needed for the "new start"?

If a couple cannot agree on a joint solution for the property, one of them can apply for a forced sale. But it's not for nothing that bargain hunters are often out and about here. So if you want to avoid financial losses, you should also avoid foreclosure. A local quality estate agent usually knows what to do thanks to his many years of experience. As a neutral third party, he can also mediate between the two sides. Divorcing couples will find expert support from him.


Marriage over, house sale?

Not necessarily. We can help you find the best solution for dealing with your divorce property. Get in touch with us!

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