Increase property value now with cheaper solar systems

3 min.

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Photovoltaic systems not only help to save energy costs, they can also increase the value of a property. There is now good news for anyone who has been toying with the idea of installing one: PV systems have become cheaper and more profitable for private households since the beginning of the year. However, there are a few things to consider before making a purchase.

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The use of solar energy is subsidized by the state in Germany. But two new changes seem to have been somewhat overlooked: Firstly, since the beginning of the year, the Value added tax on the purchase of PV systems and secondly the Income tax on earnings from their operation. The change in the law applies to PV systems with an output of up to 30 kilowatts.

Increase the value of the property

Does a PV system really increase the value of a property? As a rule, yes. The decisive factor is the cost-effectiveness of the system. It should have paid for itself and have a good energy output, i.e. produce electricity efficiently. Other factors that play a role include the acquisition costs, the size of the system, the amount of the feed-in tariff and the condition and remaining service life of the system.

The increase in the value of the property can even exceed the acquisition costs of the PV system. This is because not only the current value of the system is taken into account, but also the expected income from the EEG feed-in tariff and the electricity cost savings are included in the calculation. An experienced real estate professional will tell you how the PV system will affect the value of your property.

Advantage for prospective buyers

Property prices are still high in some places. Due to the increased financing costs, prospective buyers are often looking for ways to reduce prices. As the market has shown, properties with a low energy balance are often affected.

A property with the latest energy standards and a profitable PV system has a much better chance of achieving a good price on the market. A local quality estate agent will help you to determine a fair market price for your property. They will also support you in price negotiations with prospective buyers.

Be quick but thorough

In mathematical terms, PV systems are now around 16 percent cheaper. However, it remains to be seen whether this will be passed on to customers or whether producers and dealers will adjust their prices. So it may be worth being quick now. However, it is still advisable to proceed with caution and do your calculations carefully. Seek advice from an energy and real estate expert.

Would you like to know how a photovoltaic system affects the value of your property? Get in touch with us! We will be happy to advise you.




For reasons of better readability, the generic masculine is used in this text. Female and other gender identities are explicitly included where this is necessary for the statement.


Legal notice: This article does not constitute tax or legal advice in individual cases. Please consult a lawyer and/or tax advisor to clarify the facts of your specific individual case.


Photo: © manfredxy/

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