Find the right property with the search request

3 min.

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Finding a property is still not easy. Even though the supply of real estate has increased somewhat since the interest rate turnaround and demand has fallen slightly, demand still outstrips supply in many regions of Germany. So how do you find a property? By placing a search order with a quality estate agent, you will be informed exclusively about new properties.

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The supply of affordable properties in particular is currently low in many regions of Germany. Searches on typical online real estate portals are often unsuccessful or involve long, hard negotiations with sellers. How can a search with a local quality estate agent help?

Find out about new properties earlier

A professional estate agent has a portfolio of properties that goes beyond the listings on their website and real estate portals. This also includes properties that are traded away from the public eye, in the so-called off-market area. In addition, the estate agent is constantly working to acquire new properties. A significant part of his professional success is based on often being the first to find out about properties that are ready for sale. A search assignment with an estate agent gives you an advantage: you receive information about newly acquired properties that match your search profile before they are offered to other interested parties. This allows you to view properties that are still unknown to others. If you find your dream property, you can act immediately and convince the seller with a suitable offer. This is why many properties never reach the public portals, as they are sold in advance.

Find the right property with precise search criteria

In order for the estate agent to be able to offer you exactly what you are looking for, he needs precise information on which criteria of your desired property must be fulfilled, which are desirable and which are exclusion criteria. Your maximum purchase price is of course important here. You should also have a financing plan or ideally even a financing expertise from your lending institution, which you send to the estate agent with your search request. This will demonstrate your serious interest and emphasize your intention to buy.

Avoid risks and stress

Searching for properties on online real estate portals and competing with other potential buyers can be frustrating. If you let an estate agent search for you, you can save yourself the trouble. This allows you to take care of other important things such as financing. Costs for the estate agent are only incurred in the event of success, i.e. when you have signed the purchase contract. If the estate agent does not find a property for you, you are not taking any risks with the search order.

Are you looking for support with your real estate search and purchase? Please contact us! We will be happy to advise you.




For reasons of better readability, the generic masculine is used in this text. Female and other gender identities are explicitly included where this is necessary for the statement.


Legal notice: This article does not constitute tax or legal advice in individual cases. Please consult a lawyer and/or tax advisor to clarify the facts of your specific individual case.


Photo: © Wordliner/Image created with OpenAI's DALL-E.

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