Sell your property safely - how to recognize the right estate agent

4 min.

This article was published on January 25, 2020 and may contain outdated information.
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Have you weighed up the pros and cons and finally decided against age-appropriate conversion and in favor of selling your property the next step is to find the right estate agent. After all, if you try to sell your home on your own, you may sometimes experience unpleasant surprises.

Selling a property is complex and time-consuming. And at the latest when the phone is ringing off the hook or dubious potential buyers are at the at the door, owners start to think. Selling with an estate agent estate agent is much more relaxed. At least when you are dealing with a professional who also understands your situation. your situation. As you are certainly parting with your house with a heavy heart it is all the more important that you feel you are in good hands with your estate agent. feel that you are in good hands. But how do you recognize a reputable and responsible estate agent?

Of course, a recommendation can help you. But even with recommendations or tips from your neighbors can also be a mistake. be wrong. So how can you recognize the competence of the estate agent, and and how can you be sure that he will support you optimally and with passion? support you?

The best brokers come from the region. Companies operating nationwide often lack local expertise and are not as familiar with regional markets. familiar with the regional markets. Once you have found a local estate agent look at their references. Have others from your area recommended him, ideally in a similar situation? Is he able to able to present properties to a high standard? Professional estate agents often offer additional marketing tools such as 360-degree tours based on video footage of your property, based on video footage of your property. This not only looks looks good, but the virtual tour also allows the estate agent to see who is really interested in buying the property. Through a tracking process, he selects the potential buyers who spend a particularly long the virtual tour for a particularly long time and view many rooms. Only with these he will then offer an appointment for the real real estate viewing.

An estate agent in your region naturally knows the market situation in the best possible way. He not only knows how to determine the value of your property value of your property, but also which method is the right one: the comparative value method, the asset value method or the income approach. And he will advise you on the optimum price that you can achieve on the market and which sales strategy sales strategy you should use to sell your property. Professional estate agents are advisors who passionate about your interests and will not make you any promises promises that they cannot keep.

Pay attention to how much time the estate agent takes for you. for you. You can gain an initial impression of this by asking him ask him about his approach. Will you receive a company brochure? Or an overview of the sales process? Is he able to disclose all activities to you at any time and explain them and explain them clearly? A professional will always complete inspection of your property and the plot. And only after inspecting all the important documents relating to your property give you a sales value. He can explain his calculation method and the reason why why he has chosen this method.

How the estate agent presents your property is also important. Does he have suitable camera equipment? Can he present your property well? present your property well? The professional will show you exposés without being asked. Here where he presents your house is important. Does he already have prospective in his database? He should use at least three internet platforms, on which he offers your property. His company website should also be well maintained and up to date. He should also use other options such as newsletters or social media. Conservative advertisements in newspapers are still important today. In the end, selling a house can be a positive experience for you with the help of an empathetic estate agent and a a successful start to your new phase of life.

Would you like to check whether we are the right partner for you? Let us send you our service catalog and our company brochure. We will be happy to advise you.

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