How to find support for the household and garden in old age

3 min.

This article was published on January 25, 2020 and may contain outdated information.
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When you first moved into your own home with your family, you were still bursting with energy and zest for action. Unfortunately, that has now unfortunately changed a little, and you are finding it increasingly difficult to gardening are becoming increasingly difficult for you. One reason for the This does not necessarily have to be a reason for moving into a small apartment. With with a little help with everyday tasks around the home, many senior citizens manage well.

The little bit of housework takes care of itself? That would be nice. The Unfortunately, the reality is different. Vacuuming and dusting, cleaning cleaning and scrubbing in your own four walls, weeding and mowing the lawn in the garden and mowing the lawn in the garden - all of this now involves a great deal of effort and perhaps even pain.

Getting active support - but how and from where?

If you feel limited or even overwhelmed with the maintenance maintenance of your house and property, you should not hesitate to accept support, accept support. This could be the teenage boy next door who likes to earn a few extra euros by mowing the lawn in your garden. mowing your garden. Or the nice cleaning lady that your friend warmly recommended to you and who even has spare capacity. available. But help is not always available so quickly and easily. on the spot.

As a general rule, you should not employ domestic or garden help should be employed on the black market. With the exception of schoolchildren, who can supplement their pocket money with a small neighborhood service, you should choose the legal choose the legal route. Otherwise you could face fines and and back taxes. Insurance for accidents while doing housework and gardening is only available for the official employment of freelance cleaners and gardeners. If you pay the invoice amount by bank transfer, you can save on taxes. Anyone who age or illness requires help in the household, your health insurance usually covered by health insurance. However, it is important to clarify this with the health insurance company in advance.

Notices and online calls

If you are looking for a "cleaning fairy", try putting up a a notice in your nearest supermarket. If you are lucky, and a nice, trustworthy person gets in touch with you, your new your new domestic help will probably live in the immediate vicinity costs for the journey are eliminated.

But you can also find support for your home on the Internet via the classic classifieds portals, ebay-Kleinanzeigen, to find support for house and garden garden from the local area. Specialized platforms that offer offer the placement of reputable cleaning specialists have the advantage that your cleaner can be replaced by a colleague in case of illness. is replaced by a colleague. On the portals, and you can easily find people who will reliably take care of your house and yard.

When your own strength is waning and things are no longer running smoothly in the care of your beloved dog roses is no longer running smoothly, the time to part with your own home has not yet come. With a little a little support, you can maintain your usual living conditions. maintain your usual living conditions.

We will be happy to assist you in your search for suitable offers of help!   

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