How to keep pigeons off your roof

3 min.

This article was published on July 3, 2020 and may contain outdated information.
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Pigeons are a rather unpopular species for most people - at least on their own balcony or roof. Not only does pigeon droppings contaminate houses, they can also contain pathogens that are hazardous to health. If you want to scare the animals away, you can do so in a relatively animal-friendly way and without using harmful methods. We'll tell you how.

Happy New Year, pigeons!

There is almost no worse nuisance than pigeon droppings on facades, roofs, windows and balconies. But something can be done about it, and without poison or a shotgun! Birdslides, for example, are an animal-friendly and visually inconspicuous solution. These are special angles made of acrylic or metal that are glued to edges, ledges and projections on the façade. Instead of a comfortable nesting place, the birds then find a slippery surface with an angle of inclination of at least 45° on which they cannot find a foothold. Before installing the Birdslides, twigs and sticks already laid out for nesting should be removed from the niche in question.

Pinwheels, mobiles or dummy ravens - the decorative alternatives

But bird chutes are not the only proven means of deterring pigeons. Optical and acoustic systems also have a great effect - and they are even easier to install! How about a small windmill on the windowsill, for example? With its movement and whirring sound, it irritates the birds and deters them from approaching. Instead of a windmill, you can also use colorful ribbons, aluminum foil or mobiles made from old CDs. If that's not decorative enough for you, you can also try a raven figurine. The raven is the natural enemy of pigeons. This is why these dummies are usually very effective. However, as real ravens move, you should always move the figure to a new position.

However, most other defense mechanisms that can be found on the market are not recommended for animal welfare reasons. Nail boards and trapping nets can cause life-threatening injuries to birds or trap them until they starve to death.

How to remove stains correctly

If your balcony does get caught out, a high-pressure cleaner will help to remove the unloved bird droppings. If this brute force method is not possible, a scrubbing brush, water and a brush will also help. For particularly coarse-pored materials, the surface should first be thoroughly soaked with spirit or soapy water before the bird droppings are removed from the pores with a brush. Depending on the degree of soiling, this procedure may need to be repeated several times.

If you want to make sure that no pathogens or parasites are left behind from the droppings after removing the bird droppings, you can rub the affected areas with spirit, disinfectant or vinegar essence afterwards. If vinegar is used, rinse with plenty of water afterwards to rinse away the acid from the vinegar and dispel the strong odor.

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Photo: © Hopf23/


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