How to master the move!

2 min.

This article was published on August 31, 2022 and may contain outdated information.

Moving into a care facility is a major new phase of life for your relative. Many people in need of care find it difficult to leave their familiar surroundings. Make it as easy as possible for them and therefore plan all procedures carefully.

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We will show you how to make a smooth start to your new life in a care home and what formalities you will need to complete:

  • Terminate tenancy agreement: Check whether new tenants are accepted or whether a termination agreement is possible. The need for care alone does not justify termination without notice. You may still need to organize repairs to the apartment. Arrange the handover of the apartment with the landlord.
  • House clearance: clearing out (selling, giving away, disposing of) the apartment and, if necessary, the cellar and household contents.
  • Planning the move: If necessary, hire a moving company. There are service providers who specialize in so-called senior moves and offer additional services such as planning the new living space, support with household clearances, assistance with visits to the authorities and support with the sale of apartments and houses.
  • Notify your care insurance fund/health insurance fund. The move can be subsidized, please submit the corresponding application.
  • Notify the doctors treating you and clarify whether they will continue to provide care in the care facility.
  • Make changes of address and contracts or cancel contracts in good time (e.g. with banks, tax office, energy, GEZ, meal service, re-registration, redirection request).
  • Check which insurance policies are still required and under which policies residents are automatically covered by the nursing home.
  • Clarify with the care home management which furniture may be taken into the care home and, if necessary, discuss taking pets with you.
  • Clarify which important documents must be deposited with the home administration. A copy of your identity card, proof of health insurance and a re-registration from the residents' registration office are always required. The most important documents also include medical reports, diagnoses and prescriptions from doctors, hospitals or rehabilitation facilities. You will also need the notification from the care insurance company about the classification in the care degree, any care directives, the pension certificate and various insurance certificates. Keep the originals in a safe place.
  • Aids, such as wheelchairs or hearing aids, should be taken into the care facility wherever possible.
  • Remember to take all necessary and cherished personal items such as clothes, reading glasses, pictures, books etc. with you when you move.

Tip from the consumer advice center: If your relative's need for care comes as a surprise to you, you can register a short-term absence from work with your employer. You should discuss the day of the move in detail with the home management beforehand. If you move in in the morning, you can expect a larger number of employees. Let the care home management know in good time about any rituals you have grown fond of. A few flowers or other gifts in the new living area will make it easier to arrive.

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