Tiny houses - small house, big happiness?

4 min.

This article was published on March 24, 2022 and may contain outdated information.
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Living space is becoming increasingly expensive and scarce, especially in larger cities. There are also trends towards minimalism and sustainability - owning less in better quality is the motto. With these two directions in mind, a trend towards smaller homes has developed in recent years: in Germany, the demand for so-called tiny houses is increasing. How does a tiny house differ from other types of house and who is it suitable for?

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The advantages are obvious at first glance: Tiny Houses don't take up much space on the outside and offer everything you need inside in a small space. They are usually made from sustainable materials such as wood and prefabricated modules. This also means that they are quick to assemble. If a tiny house has wheels, its flexibility is another plus point in its favor.

How big is a Tiny House and how much does it cost?

While the building code in the USA stipulates that a tiny house may not be larger than 37 square meters, there are currently no criteria for size in Germany. In Germany, Tiny Houses are up to 50 square meters in size. How big it should be in each individual case also depends on who is moving in. For a single person, 20 square meters is sufficient; for a small family of three, it may need to be double that. The price range also depends on the size, fittings and materials used - this can range from 5000 to 45000 euros.

Buy a Tiny House or build it yourself?

In Germany, there are more and more manufacturers offering complete solutions that can be adapted to individual needs. It is also possible to build a tiny house yourself. This can quickly become complex. Precise planning is required, as every detail of the floor plan, statics and fittings is important. Which built-in cupboards should be used where? Will the construction hold the bed on the second level? These are just two of the many questions that a tiny house builder has to ask himself. It is better to consult an architect and a construction company. Your estate agent can advise you on this and also put you in touch with regional contacts. But before you start planning the construction, you should know exactly where you want your new home to be.

Where Can I put up a Tiny House?

A Tiny House can be built on a building plot just like any other house. This also means that the same rules apply to the purchase. Even if less building space is required for a tiny house, a good infrastructure and a nice outdoor area are certainly just as important. There are also tiny house owners who have rented a permanent pitch on a campsite.

The check: is a tiny house something for me?

If you are prepared to live with your family in a small space and can do without large household appliances and furnishings, then a tiny house is an alternative for you. You should also have a good sense of order, because tidying up every day is just as much a part of it as living without partitions. Perhaps you need more space after all and would prefer to buy a large house? Let us advise you on which form of living suits you and your circumstances best.

Do you want to change your living situation and are wondering what the best solution is for you? Ask us, we will be happy to advise you!



For reasons of better readability, the generic masculine is used in this text. Female and other gender identities are explicitly included where this is necessary for the statement.

Legal notice: This article does not constitute tax or legal advice in individual cases. Please consult a lawyer and/or tax advisor to clarify the facts of your specific individual case.


Photo: © wlowe5051@gmail.com /Depositphotos.com

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