Selling the property despite the lockdown

3 min.

This article was published on January 22, 2021 and may contain outdated information.
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There seems to be no end to the coronavirus waves and lockdowns. Anyone who needs to sell their property now or has perhaps been planning to sell for some time cannot wait forever. However, many owners are unsettled by the constantly changing contact restrictions. Fortunately, your local quality estate agent has been gearing up over the past twelve months to sell properties even under the current conditions.

A property cannot be sold without viewings. However, property sellers are often unsure whether viewings are even possible in the current lockdown phase. And if so, how many people are allowed to come to viewings? What hygiene rules must be observed? Do surfaces and door handles need to be disinfected and what needs to be done to minimize the risk of infection from aerosols? Many rules also vary from state to state. Your best point of contact for all these questions is your local estate agent. It's his job to sell real estate, so he knows all about the current rules. What's more, his real estate marketing begins long before a viewing.

Virtual tours

To make your property accessible to as many potential buyers as possible, professional estate agents offer virtual viewing tours. This allows prospective buyers to gain an impression of your property from the comfort of their own sofa. They can walk virtually from room to room and look around the individual rooms with the help of 360-degree photos. This not only opens up better sales opportunities for your property under pandemic conditions, but also under "normal" circumstances. With the help of this tool, more interested parties will become aware of your property and, at the same time, you can differentiate between those who are genuinely interested in your property and those who are not. Only the serious interested parties will then be offered a real viewing appointment on site. A professional estate agent from your region knows the hygiene conditions under which this is possible and takes care of the optimal preparation of the property.

Documents and notary appointment

It is also often not easy for property sellers to obtain the documents relevant to the sale, as the relevant offices and authorities only work at half speed. However, local professional estate agents know when, where and how to obtain the documents. It is also currently not advisable to exchange documents directly. So quality brokers take care of a digital exchange of documents between seller and buyer. The next problem is concluding the purchase contract. Is a "face to face" notary appointment even possible? Yes, of course it is, subject to the appropriate hygiene requirements. Your estate agent will accompany you through all the necessary steps until your property sale is completed and the purchase contract is sealed.

Are you looking for a local quality estate agent who can sell your property quickly, legally securely and at a fair market price, even in difficult times? Get in touch with us! We will be happy to advise you.


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Legal notice: This article does not constitute tax or legal advice in individual cases. Please consult a lawyer and/or tax advisor to clarify the facts of your specific individual case.


Photo: © danielala/

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