Moving from the city to the countryside - what's important

3 min.

This article was published on December 2, 2021 and may contain outdated information.
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Out of the cramped rented or owner-occupied apartment, away from the city with its exhaust fumes and the noise of the streets day and night. This is exactly what many city dwellers want. Especially since more employees are working from home. But the move to the countryside should be well thought out.

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Many city dwellers would like to fulfill their dream of owning their own home with their own garden and beautiful nature in the immediate vicinity. And that's exactly what many are doing. Especially in times of coronavirus, city dwellers have turned their backs on the big cities.

But this is not always Country life just as you thought it would be. In order to find the perfect home in less densely populated and nature-rich regions of Germany and to prevent conflicts, the move should be well planned.

Create checklist

First of all, it is advisable to draw up a checklist with all the aspects that are particularly important to you. These could be personal questions such as:

  • Do I work from home a lot or do I drive to work every day?
  • How good must the infrastructure and public transport connections to other towns and cities be for me?
  • How far away can I be from the nearest shopping and educational facilities and what about medical care in the region?

If you work from home, for example, you definitely need good internet and appropriate telephone lines. This is not available everywhere in the countryside. In addition, the infrastructure and rail connections in the commuter belt are generally better than in more remote areas.

Ongoing ancillary costs for the house

Anyone moving from a rented apartment to a house with a garden has more costs than during the tenancy. Tenants are more aware of the operating costs that they receive from their landlord once a year in a statement.

There are also other expenses. Among other things for wastewater disposal, the Property tax or for street cleaning. Depending on the living space, location and household size, homeowners spend several thousand euros a year on Current ancillary costs from. Regional estate agents know the local conditions and can advise those looking for real estate on the costs involved.

Buying a building plot or house in the countryside

With the growing demand for living space in rural areas, prices are also rising there. Building plots are also becoming increasingly scarce in some regions, making it difficult to find one. And when people looking to relocate find a building plot, they are often not the only ones interested in buying.

To make sure that it really is a building plot or that it is nasty surprises it is advisable to have a real estate expert at your side. They can find suitable properties, assist with the purchase process including the procurement of documents and, if necessary, sell the old property in the city at a fair market price. Real estate agents also help owners avoid purchasing mistakes that may not be reversible later on. After all, once the property has been paid for, it is not always easy to buy it back.

Are you looking for a new property or do you want to sell your old one? Then contact us! We will be happy to support and advise you.



For reasons of better readability, the generic masculine is used in this text. Female and other gender identities are explicitly included where this is necessary for the statement.

Legal notice: This article does not constitute tax or legal advice in individual cases. Please consult a lawyer and/or tax advisor to clarify the facts of your specific individual case.

Photo: © ArturVerkhovetskiy/

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