Video: Inherited property - dissolving a community of heirs

2 min.

This article was published on March 31, 2022 and may contain outdated information.
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Communities of heirs are formed when several heirs have a claim to an estate due to the degree of kinship or by will. Different ideas, wishes and characters come together. This often leads to disputes, which occasionally end up in court. This unnecessarily delays the matter. But what is the best way to dissolve a community of heirs?

Not only close and distant relatives come together in a community of heirs. People who are not part of the family can also inherit something from the estate. Basically, however, it doesn't matter how many people inherit. The important thing is that all members of the community of heirs must jointly decide what happens to an inherited property. This assumes that the community knows what options it has.

In most cases, not all co-heirs come into the community of heirs with the same knowledge, which makes the dispute more complicated. One person may not yet know what they want. Another may want to sell the property for a profit and another may want to use it themselves.

In order to reach a common level of knowledge and thus create a uniform basis for decision-making for all parties involved, heirs should agree on a real estate expert. This expert can also act as a neutral mediator to help find a joint solution. Watch the video to find out what else communities of heirs should know.

Are you unsure what the best solution is for your inherited property? Watch our short video to find out what you need to look out for.

Help, I have inherited a property!

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