How can the value of a property be increased?

3 min.

This article was published on October 14, 2021 and may contain outdated information.
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If you want to achieve a higher price for your property, you can do so by upgrading it. Refurbishment, renovation or modernization measures increase the value of the property. But what specific measures can enhance the value of your own property?

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Properties can generate good sales proceeds. But only if there are no structural defects. It therefore makes sense to repair broken windows and other damage in the house. And if you are already maintaining the property, you can also remove signs of wear and tear. Or you can bring the property right up to date. After all, the fewer defects and the more modern a property is, the more it is ultimately worth on the market.

Value enhancement through modernization

The basic aim of modernization is to increase the value of the property. A good measure to increase the value is energy modernization. This is because the better the values on the energy performance certificate, the more you can ask for the property.

The measures for the energy performance certificate include, for example, the thermal insulation of external walls or the cellar ceiling. The installation of a modern heating system and thermally insulated windows are also included.

But open and modern floor plans, large rooms and accessibility throughout the property also have a positive effect on the value. In addition to these measures, it is also possible to add a conservatory or balcony.

Value enhancement through refurbishment

Unlike modernization, refurbishment involves making the property usable and maintaining it so that the (living) quality of the property is restored. This is achieved, for example, by repairing leaking roofs or removing mold, dry rot and asbestos. More precisely, all measures that are necessary due to defects or repairs.

Further enhancement through renovation

The aim of renovation work is to create a better living environment by improving the surface appearance. Classic measures include all painting and wallpapering work. But also the superficial renewal of the floor covering. Installing underfloor heating, for example, modernizes the energy efficiency of your property. This measure goes beyond the superficial and therefore does not count as renovation work. A visual improvement can increase the value of the property by making it look more attractive.

Costs of the value-enhancing measures

If you want to get more proceeds from a property sale through renovation, refurbishment and modernization, you need to think carefully about whether the investment is worthwhile or even financially feasible in your individual case. Less money needs to be spent on renovation work than on refurbishment and modernization measures. Owners often have to invest several thousand euros for this. The costs vary greatly depending on the scope and type of measure.

Would you like to know how you can increase the value of your property? Or whether it is financially worthwhile for you? Then contact us! We will be happy to advise you.


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For reasons of better readability, the generic masculine is used in this text. Female and other gender identities are explicitly included where this is necessary for the statement.

Legal notice: This article does not constitute tax or legal advice in individual cases. Please consult a lawyer and/or tax advisor to clarify the facts of your specific individual case.


Photo: © Tzido/

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