How do you sell your property when you are not on site?

3 min.

This article was published on December 16, 2021 and may contain outdated information.
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Selling a property without being on site is a challenge. For example, if you live in Dortmund and have inherited a property in Munich, you will probably not be able to be there for the entire sales process because you are working, for example. In order to sell the property in a short time at a fair market price, you should hire a quality local estate agent.

There are many pitfalls lurking in real estate sales that reduce success.

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Selling a property remotely is virtually impossible. For many appointments, owners need to be on site or have someone they can rely on. Cosmetic repairs may need to be carried out. The property needs an appraisal and must be valued by a real estate expert. Potential buyers want to view the property. Finally, a notary appointment and handover of the property take place. A local quality estate agent can take care of these appointments for you.

Preparation of the property

To find out the value of the property, a real estate professional must inspect the condition of the property and check for defects. After inspecting the documents relevant to the sale, a valuation report can be drawn up. This serves as the basis for determining an offer price.

Once the cosmetic repairs have been carried out and the property has been optimized for presentation with home staging if necessary, photos can be taken for property portals and exposés. In addition to informative photos, all relevant information about the property should also be included in the exposé.

Inspection management

If the appealing exposé has aroused the interest of many property seekers, viewing appointments must be arranged and carried out. A professional estate agent will do this for you, saving you the trouble of having to make an extra trip. However, you should stay in contact with the estate agent so that all decisions can be discussed and made at short notice.

Notary appointment without your presence

Property sellers and buyers must generally be present at the notary appointment. However, you can also grant a trusted person such as your quality estate agent a power of attorney to represent you at the notary and when signing the purchase contract. Alternatively, it is also possible to represent yourself without a power of attorney with subsequent approval. In this case, the purchase contract only becomes valid once the notary has received your approval. Before the appointment, the notary will send you a copy of the purchase contract. You then have two weeks to check the contract. Your estate agent will advise you if you are unsure about any clauses.

Let a professional help you sell your property remotely. This will save you a lot of time and effort.

Do you have questions about selling your property? Please contact us! We will be happy to advise you.



For reasons of better readability, the generic masculine is used in this text. Female and other gender identities are explicitly included where this is necessary for the statement.


Legal notice: This article does not constitute tax or legal advice in individual cases. Please consult a lawyer and/or tax advisor to clarify the facts of your specific individual case.



Photo: © Nikodash/

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