Where do I apply for funding for more efficient heating?

3 min.

This article was published on December 18, 2020 and may contain outdated information.
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Property owners can receive state funding for both the replacement and optimization of an existing heating system. The two main contacts for applying for subsidies are the Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KfW) and the Federal Office of Economics and Export Control (BAFA). The KfW is responsible for optimizing heating systems as part of energy-efficient building renovations, while the BAFA only supports the switch to renewable energies.

If your heating system is over 15 years old, in many cases it is already worth considering optimization options. The Building Energy Act, which came into force on November 1, 2020, only provides for a ban on certain older oil heating systems in the long term. However, a national CO2 price will also be introduced for the first time from January 2021. Heating oil, gas and fossil fuels are therefore expected to become more expensive in the future. Anyone who invests in a more efficient heating system or switches to renewable energies can therefore significantly reduce their ancillary costs and also help the environment. It's a good thing that homeowners can apply for various state subsidies for such projects. In order to have planning security, an application for funding should always be submitted in good time before the measures are carried out.

Promotion by the BAFA

The market incentive program of the Federal Office of Economics and Export Control (BAFA) supports you in converting to renewable energies. A heating system replacement is also funded as an individual measure and not, as with the KfW, only as part of an energy-efficient refurbishment. Depending on the type of new heating system - in any case, it must be a heat generator based on renewable energies - BAFA covers a varying percentage of the actual costs for a heating system replacement or extension. The funding for replacing an old oil heating system with a climate-neutral heating system is particularly high. The installation of solar thermal systems, gas hybrid heating systems, biomass systems, heat pumps and hybrid systems based on renewable energies can be subsidized with up to 40 percent.

Promotion by KfW

KfW's funding opportunities are primarily aimed at reducing energy requirements through better thermal insulation, i.e. energy-efficient refurbishment. The so-called "KfW Efficiency House" is a kind of model for an eligible refurbishment concept. However, in conjunction with other measures to increase energy efficiency, the replacement of outdated, inefficient boilers, for example, may also be eligible for funding, even if "only" the efficiency is increased but not converted to renewable energies.

An expert can advise you in detail on how to cleverly combine the BAFA and KfW funding programs. In this way, for example, the modernization of a gas heating system in combination with renewable energies can also be financed in addition to the BAFA subsidy program. If the KfW or BAFA funding offers do not suit your current heating system, the federal states and local authorities also offer other funding programs.

Would you like to know whether it is worth optimizing your heating system before selling your house? Get in touch with us! We will be happy to advise you!


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Legal notice: This article does not constitute tax or legal advice in individual cases. Please consult a lawyer and/or tax advisor to clarify the facts of your specific individual case.


Photo: © Ulrike Görgl/Pixabay.com

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