Where are "invisible" properties hidden?

4 min.

This article was published on April 15, 2021 and may contain outdated information.
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In some regions, the search for a property currently seems almost hopeless. Many prospective buyers are desperately scouring the search portals and wondering whether there are other ways to find a property with a better chance of success. And there really are: according to experts, around 30 percent of the real estate market is "invisible". What exactly does that mean and how can an experienced professional estate agent help you find real estate offers beyond the major marketplaces?

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Literally invisible real estate does not exist, of course, or at best in fairy tales. But for property seekers, many offers remain under the radar because they are not traded on official marketplaces. Many sales take place among neighbors, acquaintances or colleagues, for example. Anyone who hears about an upcoming property sale in a private setting often (and not without good reason) hopes for a particularly good deal because they can negotiate the price directly with the seller and don't have to worry about being outbid by others.

It pays to look for hidden real estate offers

If you, as a prospective buyer, were to find out about such "invisible" offers, you could perhaps take your chance. You could offer the seller a higher price, you could convince them with proof of your creditworthiness and make it clear that you really mean business. But how do you approach sellers who are hiding their property from the market, so to speak? It is definitely advisable to make a list in your head of where - apart from online portals - properties are still being offered. Especially in rural areas or suburban settlements, it may be worth taking a walk and looking for signs directly on the properties - the so-called estate agent's gallows. If you then call the estate agent in question directly, you will certainly have a better chance of being given higher priority than someone who has found the property via a search portal. Another option is to look on forced sale portals and bid when a property is being auctioned. However, you should not expect to find a bargain on this occasion. Due to the high demand, the result of foreclosure auctions today is sometimes higher than the usual market price. Further starting points for your property search can be found - naturally also for you - in private networks such as your circle of colleagues and friends, or in social networks on the Internet.

Send a broker into the lane!

However, your best key to the world of "invisible" real estate is to turn to a professional estate agent. After all, it is definitely easier for an estate agent, whose professional success is based on their precise local market knowledge, to track down real estate offers hidden from the market than it is for you. On estate agent websites or in estate agent networks alone, you will come across properties that never appear in the major portals because they have long since been sold before they end up there. You can also create a search request on an estate agent's website and have the agent search for a property according to your criteria. Your advantage: Newly acquired properties that match your search profile will be offered to you first before other interested parties even see them.


Are you looking for a property and can't get any further because there seem to be hardly any offers? Get in touch with us! As experts in the local real estate market, we can also find properties that are invisible to the untrained eye!


Further information can be found here:





Legal notice: This article does not constitute tax or legal advice in individual cases. Please consult a lawyer and/or tax advisor to clarify the facts of your specific individual case.


Photo: © cherezoff/Depositphotos.com




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