Change of residence and real estate through exchange partners

2 min.

This article was published on July 16, 2021 and may contain outdated information.
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Special times call for special measures. This also applies to the tight housing and real estate market. Families with children have different needs when it comes to suitable residential property than older people and single households. At present, however, there is hardly any affordable alternative to the current housing situation. Swapping your own property or apartment can help.

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Exchanging your own four walls is not a new trend on the real estate and housing market. For years, more and more online portals have emerged that see themselves as an exchange market for property seekers. Estate agents are also increasingly incorporating this model into their services and bringing together the perfect exchange partners.

Exchange your own real estate?

Owners who exchange their house or condominium save themselves the time-consuming search for a new buyer. It is advisable to bring an estate agent on board. The main reasons for this are the enormous time savings and the reduced competition among those willing to exchange. In addition, the estate agent can draw on their extensive database and search requests, making it easier to bring together exchange partners who show genuine interest. This makes it quicker to find a new property.

Real estate exchange process

As soon as interested exchange partners contact the estate agent, the owner who has commissioned the estate agent receives all relevant exchange offers. If a suitable property is found, a purchase contract is drawn up and all relevant sales documents are brought together. The property exchange is a normal sale, albeit not a traditional one. The exchange partners buy each other's properties. The difference is paid by the party who buys the more expensive house or apartment. Here too, owners cannot avoid a property valuation. This is carried out by an independent third party, the estate agent. At the end, all that remains is the appointment with the notary.

Exchange of rental apartments

Tenants who exchange their apartments often use apartment exchange platforms on the Internet. Once the exchange partners have agreed among themselves that the change of residence should take place, one thing must still be borne in mind: the landlord generally decides who moves into a new apartment. Under no circumstances should this be ignored. There is not always agreement here. A lot has to be considered from a legal point of view. Therefore, the tenancy agreement should not be terminated too early.

Are you interested in exchanging your property? Please contact us. We will be happy to advise you.


Further information can be found here:


Legal notice: This article does not constitute tax or legal advice in individual cases. Please consult a lawyer and/or tax advisor to clarify the facts of your specific individual case.


Photo: © mikdam/

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