Dream property: How to find hidden properties

3 min.

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In some regions of Germany, prospective property buyers are faced with a Herculean task: many attractive offers remain inaccessible to them because they are not publicly offered on the market.

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There are not always enough offers on real estate portals to find the right property. People interested in real estate often struggle with the fact that they miss out on many offers because they are traded under the radar and are not visible on public marketplaces.

The power of word of mouth: real estate sales in rural regions

Especially in rural areas or smaller communities, word-of-mouth advertising is a common way of finding a new buyer for a property. A casual conversation with the villagers can sometimes provide unexpected insights. Because if there is news in the village, they are the first to know.

When it comes to a purchase, it is often the case that you can buy your property directly from the seller and are unlikely to be turned down by the owner if you have a suitable financing option to hand.

In addition, the number of potentially interested parties is likely to be limited with this option, as these transactions take place discreetly and away from the public market. Price negotiations are therefore often the order of the day.

Using traditional ways to search for real estate

Sometimes it makes sense to use tried and tested methods when looking for real estate. By studying local notice boards, whether at the supermarket, the bakery or the butcher, you can still come across apartments or houses that you would not have found elsewhere, even in the digital age.

Another option is to explore the neighborhood on foot. Price tags can provide helpful information here. A direct call to the relevant estate agent could increase your chances as a preferred prospective buyer. Another option is to search on foreclosure portals.

In addition, those looking for a job should always ask around in their private network, such as among colleagues and friends or on social media, because good things are often closer than you think.

You can also become active as a real estate seeker: Place an advertisement in all local newspapers and publish your search online on various platforms. Print out notices and post them on the notice boards in your town.

Relying on expertise: a search order with a broker

The best way to gain access to "invisible" properties is to contact a professional estate agent. After all, it is definitely easier for an estate agent, whose professional success is based on their precise local market knowledge, to track down real estate offers hidden from the market than it is for you.

Above all, a regional estate agent is well informed due to his years of experience on the local market. They also have easier access to hidden real estate offers than you do.

Many properties that never appear on the major portals are on estate agents' networks because they are already sold before they appear there.

You can also create a search request on an estate agent's website and have the agent search for a property according to your criteria. Your advantage: Newly acquired properties that match your search profile will be offered to you first before other interested parties even see them.

Are you looking for a property or support in buying a property? Please contact us! We will be happy to advise you.



For reasons of better readability, the generic masculine is used in this text. Female and other gender identities are explicitly included where this is necessary for the statement.


Legal notice: This article does not constitute tax or legal advice in individual cases. Please consult a lawyer and/or tax advisor to clarify the facts of your specific individual case.


Photo: © MianHamza/despositphotos.com

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